Gas prices are up, everywhere! To save money on fuel without having to impact your present lifestyle, try these tips… NO jackrabbit starts! Your vehicle uses the most fuel when accelerating. If you accelerate slowly, you can minimize the surge of fuel to meet the demands of getting rolling. In fact,…
With tax time just around the corner are you prepared? What do you plan to do with your tax return? Will you fix up your house, maybe upgrade some household items? If you want your tax return to get back to you all year long, put some money aside for your vehicle. The average maintenance on a vehicle…
Hitting a pothole with your car can do a real number on tires, wheels, steering, suspension, and alignment. Potholes occur when water permeates the pavement – usually through a crack – and softens the soil beneath it, creating a depression in the surface of the street. Many potholes appear during winter…
It’s a busy time of year. Kids are back in school; chores need to get done around the house before the holidays sneak up on us. And traffic always seems to get worse! Not to mention the road hazards of wind, falling leaves, early darkness, and new potholes. Now is the time to make certain that your vehicle’s…
Auto repair can be an intimidating process for many drivers, especially if you are not familiar with the mechanics of your vehicle. However, with a little knowledge and preparation, you can make the auto repair process smoother and less stressful. In this blog, we will discuss what to expect when you…